Yet Another Snake Story
Last night was disturbing. I was headed out to the outhouse in the dark when my flashlight caught sight of a snake slithering across the yard, right behind the swings. The funny thing about it was that one of the kittens was cautiously stalking it. It was a very long snake. (Jason later identified if from my description as being a banded crate) I did my usual routine of a subdued yelp, and a fast retreat to “safer” ground.Somehow, my subdued yelp got the attention of the entire family, and all their flashlights plied the night, looking for the cause of the commotion. (Yes it was subdued…I could have screamed louder!) Memewah, having the strongest of our weak flashlights, was able to spot the long intruder just as it slithered over the bank into the region of the creek…right above our bath spot.By that time cries of “SNAKE SNAKE!!! I’m scared, and WAAAAAA”, were emanating from every corner of the house. Roy came on the run with a long machete, and Memewah and I, being the bravest of the local cowards, came with our flashlights to help Roy in the hunt. We cowered up on the bridge, plying the darkness with our feeble lights, when we spotted the snakes tail sticking out from under a big rock beside the creek.Memewah ran for a hoe with a long handle, and Roy gingerly lifted the rock off of…nothing. The snake seemed to have vanished into nowhere. But, upon further investigation, we found a hole in the side of the creek bank, making Mr. Snake out of our reach…but ever present. Did I mention that I really don’t like snakes?It reminded me of another snake...Satan also goes around like a wily foe, seeking whom he may devour. Many people want to play with the snake, like our kitten, forgetting that he is a lethal enemy. Lets be on our guard at all times.