A New Start

This week finds us getting settled on our new land. It has been an incredible month of miracle after miracle to get us to this spot. It is easy to see, in hindsight, how God was working to put us in the place where He wants us to be.Several months ago, Jason and one of the students were asked to go and fix a tractor up at a village in the mountains called Tee Thay Kee. He was not all that busy, so he went and fixed that tractor. While he was there, the head woman of the village asked if he could possibly send someone to teach English and Bible in their village. Jason came back and talked to us about it, and Roy ended up going up there to teach for the rest of the school year, which was nearly over.When we lost our land, and had to move so quickly, we had no idea of where God wanted us, but we committed the decision to His hands, and waited for doors to open and close. Within a week, we had 5 places offered to us. None of them were ideal, but we laid out our options before the Lord, and asked that His will be done.During that time, I had a bit of free time on Sabbath, so I got out a piece of paper and pen and started writing down all the different options, and the miracle that would have to take place in order to move to each location. One needed a large storage tank and a truck. One needed permission from the government in a different province, and so on down the list.One day, Jason went up to Tee Thay Kee to check out a piece of property that he had heard of there. He was ready to tell the people that we would take it, even though water would be a huge issue. But, right then another man came and offered him a different piece of property. The only catch was that we would have to pay for it instead of getting it for free. Jason was really impressed with the place, and felt that we should accept the offer. We all prayed about it, and decided that although we had no money, we should take it.The day before we were to go to the Umpur to sign the papers for the property, a very large donation came in unexpectedly that completely covered the cost of the property, and a used truck that will be necessary in order to live in that location! God is so amazing and good to us! When I looked back at that piece of paper that I had written down all the things that would have to happen in order to move to that place, I saw that God had provided for every single thing I had written down... Including a farm truck to move all our stuff up there since there is no way we could have done it by motorbike.When the papers were signed, it seemed as if all hell broke loose against us. Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Two of the girls got malaria, we all got itchy rashes and hives. The river got all muddy, making it impossible to take baths, or cool off during the incredible heat. Then we got word that the military would not let us move to the new property. The battle was so intense that we knew for sure that it was a spiritual battle that God has already won for us. So we hung on, and prayed through each circumstance that came our way.It is amazing how God can make mountains of difficulty move out of our way. We now have the blessing, and support of the military, as well as the local government. We moved to our new property this week, and are busily building new houses. Each day, villagers come to help us, and to visit and make us feel welcome. Roy has started to teach English to all the interested villagers each day.We can now say from experience that God is faithful and true. We are ready to expand our work for God. The best way to move forward is on your knees!


The Witch Doctor


Is It Gonna Burn?