A Tragic Loss
Today we discovered that someone has stolen my computer out of my bedroom. The reason I am telling you this is that I had saved all my passwords on my computer, and so there is a slight possibility that someone might send out emails in my name or stuff like that. I am working right now to fix everything that I can fix, and hopefully we won't have any problems.Losing my computer is almost as bad as losing a friend. It had all my pictures and just about everything else on there. All I can do is pray that the thief will read something on it that will change them and make them want to know Jesus.I will do my best to keep writing. It may be a bit more complicated now, but I will try. Please pray that this will not affect our love for our neighbors, that we can forgive them and go on in our efforts to reach them for Jesus.Our good news this week is that Travis was able to get a two year student visa! Praise the Lord once again!