Another MemeWah Update
Jason spent the weekend being MemeWah's caregiver at the hospital. Lena told me that when Jason walked in, MemeWah greeted him with a Thai greeting. (she still has a breathing tube and feeding tubes, so that was the best she could do) Then, when Jason left the room for some reason, MemeWah made motor bike motions, and pointed towards the door, and herself. She wanted to go home with Jason! When he walked back into the room, she held her arms out for him to hold her. Needless to say, we have ruled out brain damage! Jason said that she slept well, as long as he held her hand and she was able to put her legs on his lap. (all the paraphenalia keep him from actually holding her) Her only trouble has been some complications in her lungs, which is why she is still on the breathing tubes and stuff. She wants to get them taken out as soon as possible, and she is quite willing to do it herself! (that is the reason why each caregiver leaves their shift with her totally exhausted!)God is good. Keep praying for this little life.