Another Year (by Andrew "អេនឌ្រូ")

Another year has come, and gone from me,a time to share, a time to give.Another full year has passed to eternitydid I live the best that I could live?Have I shared Jesus with all I've met?Or have I kept Him for myself?Did I seek Him who'll not have me fret,or in my weakness tackled self?My mind flies on to a great day ahead,I stand before the Judge immortal.My sins were why He, suffered and bled.What does He say, of this poor mortal?Oh how I long to hear His words so clear,well done faithful servant enter in.Oh how I'd hate to come so near,and yet miss living forever with Him.A mission He's given, a work to save,to gather his children scattered afarA mission is mine, I must be braveand not let Satan, my character marTwenty and two years of life He's giv'n,for me to open my heart to Him.Twenty and two years to conquer sin,this twenty third I want to live for Him.As I enter upon this new year of lifeI pray that I'll choose Him above all.As I battle self, amidst the strife,I pray I'll answer yes to His call.I praise God for one more year of life. And though I don't know what the future holds, I know who holds the future; and I trust myself fully to Him who stands at the helm of life. I thank God for friends; friends who stand by me when the going is tough, and friends who; like I do, want to put God first in their lives. I thank Him for His continued provision, and for His constant watchcare over me as I travel life's road.I also thank my parents who constantly are an encouragement to me as I watch them follow Christ in ministry for His children. And as I think back over the years I am reminded of all the training and work that they put into all of us boys and the love that they had and still have for us. Thank you, Mom and Dad!


A Tough Day


Another Daughter