Boys on the Move

I almost hate to write about my boys, since their situations keep changing. But, I will tell you all about it anyway! Jason is now living up at what used to be LKY School, but is now known as the Sunshine Orchard Children's Home and Learning Center. They did not have an English teacher at all for the approximately 250 kids residing there. Also, they have 5 little orphans that Jason fell in love with. So, this last week found Jason building his own house, and getting settled in that new location.Travis, on the other hand, is with me again. No, he did not give up in despair, but instead had to leave his village for his own safety. We are not exactly in the safest location in the world, and we found out that the opposing armies on either side of the village knew that he was there and neither one of them liked that idea much. He will be supervising the school from a distance, and we will be doing trainings for the teachers here at the training center.It is always better to have a live teacher than a dead one!Meanwhile, at the training center we are gearing up for my husbands homecoming. Kentegee is practicing up on her most tempting dishes, and the caretaker is grooming the grounds each morning, and we are trying to figure out where to put the things that he is bringing to us. It sure would be nice to have closets...and yet, a closet would be a perfect hideout for spiders and we will skip that idea. This morning they discovered another snake in the outhouse! I swore that I would never use the bathroom again, but everyone just kind of chuckled and gave me a pitying look. I did mean it though...if I just weren't so thirsty! I just wish that they would hurry up and kill all the snakes in the vicinity for me.I also have to say a special thank you to those who sent non-stick pads for my clinic! I have a patient that crashed his motor bike, and the muffler landed on his ankle. His good friends sat and laughed at his predicament instead of coming to his aid, so he has a very nasty burn. He went to the hospital, but they only put gauze on it! I had quite the time getting that gauze off, but this morning when I went to take off the dressing that I had applied, it came off with ease, much to his relief! He had not exactly been looking forward to me cleaning his wound again, but he was very happy that the pads did not stick. Such simple little things we usually take for granted. But even the hospitals do not have them here.We are certainly having troubles here lately, but the good news is that Jesus knows all about it, and is working in our behalf. I am thankful that Travis is safe, since he actually had a really close call. God knew all about it, and detained us for almost a week up at Mae Sot. I was impatient at the time, since I wanted to be at home, but God always knows what is best, and we just have to trust him in every situation.


Short Update


How To Stay Cool On A Hot Day