God's Plans...Not Ours

This past month has been discouraging, perplexing, exasperating, and hard! I am exhausted. But, through it all, God has been so good to us, giving us courage and strength for each new day and each new trial. It is clear to us that we are at the very close of this earths history, and we want our lives to be in harmony with God's plans.With this in mind, I have been contemplating all the kids that want to come to school here. Every time we turn around we hear of more who are planning to come. I was getting a little frantic, since we didn't have the money to build the dorm yet....with only a month left before they all start to arrive. I finally told my family that if the money did not come in for the dorm this month, then there would be no school this year, and we would only take those who need a home. This morning I got my monthly report, and instead of feeling discouraged that the needed money had not come, the Lord gave me an incredible peace about it all. It came to me that I can still accept a few students. We could tear down the parts of this house that are falling down, and we can finish the new house that was started, and we can sleep in the kitchen! Not ideal by any stretch of the imagination, but it would work.The good news is that it looks like if we are careful, Roy will be able to get back to the States this month. He has until the 20th to leave the country because of the problems with his visa, so probably sometime near the end of the month he will be leaving me and will stay in America until he can afford to come back. I am not exactly excited about it,  but if he can get his year visa while there, it will also relieve a lot of stress!So, today finds me eyeing the roof, calculating how much of it needs to be replaced, and trying to figure out how to maximize the space here in the original house. There is a lot to get done in a short time! If we could see the end from the beginning, we would not choose to be led in any other way. God knows what He is doing, and our job is to just follow by faith.


An Empty House

