On my way home from my visa run, I was feeling pretty down. So many problems pressed upon my mind. It is so hard to get the visas we need to help here, and I had been bombarded with all the details that must be taken care of in the next 2 months. Plus, I heard some sad gossip that was going around about me. I knew that it was not true, but it hurt just the same. So, sitting there on the bus I was sharing my troubles with God. I know that God cares about all the details of our lives, and all our sorrow. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, that I hardly even noticed the ever present loud rock music, or the slowing of the bus. But, as I sat there idly gazing out the window, my attention was caught by a lady who was standing at a Songtow stop. The bus had slowed to a stop, and this lady was right outside my window and she was acting strangely. She would walk towards the road, and then turn around, covering her face. Then, she sat down and the look of hopeless horror on her face drew me back to the reality of my surroundings, and I wondered what in the world could be causing her such distress? I craned my neck to try to see outside the bus, when I saw a motor bike seat on the ground. I jumped up and ran to the front of the bus to see outside and was totally unprepared for the sight that met my eyes. On my right was a mini bus with the front end smashed out, and a lot of distressed passengers spilling out the door. On the ground in front of the mini bus lay a baby, about the age of Hannah, and a man. A little further ahead, in the ditch lay another man, and a mangled motor bike. As the passengers from the mini bus boarded our bus, I heard them say "they are all dead". I could see that this was true from where I stood surveying the scene. Now, I understood the look of horror on the face of the lady at the songtow stop.As the bus slowly started up again, I sank back into my seat to resume my talk with God. It came very clear to me that this is the reason why I am here. I seem to have endless troubles heaped on me, and yet I can turn to a God who loves me for help. The people here do not have that option. They do not know God. When their loved ones die, when they are insulted or abused, they have no hope, no one to turn to for consolation and help. If we do not tell them, who will?