Leaving to Return Again
Roy and Tremaynne left today. It was pretty hard to see them go. Since Roy will be in the States for several months, this was a sad parting. We are really going to miss having them here. Tremaynne is a favorite with just about everybody, and he helped us to be able to make friends really easy. Partly because of his love of cookies probably! I didn't tell you about that, did I? Well, it went something like this. I bought a huge tin of cookies. ( they do not believe in selling little packages of cookies, they come in 5 gallon sizes) It wasn't too long before I found that I was getting a lot of company! Tremaynne would come to me and say," my friends would like some cookies, can I give them some?" Well, what could I say? I did have plenty of cookies! So most every day, a little group would come to my house and surround Tremaynne while he passed out cookies to the whole group. No wonder they liked him! We went through 3 of those tins of cookies in the 2 months that we spent at the school. And I might add that I hardly got any!The Hernandez family also left this morning. They came one year ago to build the All- Asia Studio. They did a really good job of building, but it is not finished yet. The funds for this project totally dried up, so the studio will have to sit unfinished for a while. That was not really the note that Judy and Rick wanted to leave on, but that is the way it is.
If you notice from the pictures, we had this party at the Bell's home. He is the administrator of Chiang Mai Adventist Academy, and the exciting part is that they have real furniture! This part of Thailand is not as primitive as where we live. So, we are thoroughly enjoying the luxuries while we are here.In other news, I finally have an address!! It is: Lisa SharonP.O. Box 51Songkla Buri, KanchanaburiThailand, 71240I was just perusing my site, and found comments! I didn't know that I had any comments from you, and I was really excited! Sorry to those of you that I did not respond to, I just didn't know that you had said anything. Wish I was more proficient with this computer stuff!