Money Miracle

I got to thinking the other day that I really should share our money miracle with you. You know I avoid the subject like the plague, but I don’t think that I am giving God the glory that he deserves by keeping this all to myself!As you know, when we came here 3 ½ years ago, we did not plan to stay. So, within a few months of coming here, we found ourselves with no monthly income, and no committed supporters. (By that I mean people who had agreed to help us out) But, in spite of this, we knew that God was calling us to stay here and help the Karen people. So, we stepped out in faith, and stayed, money or no money.Each and every month, God has provided exactly the amount of money that was needed. Some months, we did not need very much, but if we happened to have a month with a lot of visa runs, we needed a very significant amount! At first I worried about it a lot, but God has shown me over and over and over that He knows how much we need, and he ALWAYS sends it!Several months ago, we felt that God was asking us to step out in faith a bit more, and we agreed to take on the needs of the GWM school. That meant that if God did not send the money, either we would suffer or the school would suffer, one or the other. But, seeing how God had provided in the past, we decided that we could trust Him with that problem also. Seeing that we were not hurting any,the next month we took on paying all the teachers at another school…more money going out every month…but God still provided, and we were no worse off for sharing what we had. Then, we took on a bible worker….God was still faithful!Now, we are starting our own school, but we did NOT have the money to buy property and get started. What did God do? He GAVE us the property instead! On that property is enough bamboo and logs to get us started too.Are you getting the picture? Sometimes I get really curious as to how God tells people to send us money when we need it. Do they just suddenly decide to donate, or what? All I know is that there are people out there who have heard God’s voice and have sent us funds when they were needed. That is a modern day miracle if I ever saw one.If you happen to be one of those people who would love to work for God, but you are waiting for Him to work out all the details first, let me encourage you to step into the water and watch it part like the Israelites did. There is no greater joy and comfort than knowing that God is your boss and that He is providing for your every need.


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