You know those tiny little critters with the irritating hum? Well, we have them in abundance here. Not as many as you might think, but a lot more menacing! I am learning quite a bit about these nasty characters. They come in three different varieties... that I have heard of at least. First, there are the big black and yellow stripe ones. I am told that they carry dengue fever, but I have not figured out exactly where they carry it. They are big, but they don't seem big enough to do THAT much damage! Then, there are the night mosquitoes that carry malaria. They are smaller, and they have definite feeding times. They like to chow down on people in the evening, and then again early in the morning. These mosquitoes are smaller, and they don't always let you know that they are going to bite you. In fact, most of my mosquito bites, I don't remember getting! They just sneak up and bite without much warning. Then, there are the hummers, the ones that make you really nervous to be around. They like to hang out in the outhouse early in the morning, which is a bad place for any mosquito to be due to the necessary exposure on those occasions when you happen to frequent the place.Personally, I would like to go down on record as stating that I do not like mosquitoes at all. Especially when living in a house with no walls. There is no way to keep them out, except for the local remedies. One remedy, which Ben has been using, is to build a fire under your house, and enjoy the mosquito free smoke wafting up through the floor into your eyes, nose, and mouth! Ben says that it does work, but it usually drives him out of the house also, where he sits with the anxious mosquitoes who are waiting to get back inside. Another option, which is the one that I have been experimenting with, is to buy those little mosquito coils, and sit downwind of them. (yes, you can sit "downwind" in a house over here) They seem to be pretty effective, but some members of the household are afraid that we will all die from lung cancer. So, the only other option that I know of is to sit in your cozy mosquito net, and try to figure out how to keep yourself busy, while the mosquitoes angrily hum on the outside of the net, waiting for some bored person to emerge.I have come to the conclusion that God allowed mosquitoes to be here on this earth for one reason show us what Satan is like! Satan is just like a mosquito. He tries to get us with his nasty baggage that will kill us, he sneaks around and bites us every chance he gets, and he irritates us at every turn! When he gets us, he leaves our lives with big, ugly sores that make us miserable. Fortunately, God's remedies are much more effective than mine, he gave us a very secure safety net, with LOTS of great things to do inside, so that we need never get bored while avoiding our adversary.