Neglected News
Have you ever felt like God was really trying to stretch you and make you grow? I can't help but feel like that about now. A friend of mine recently reminded me, after chatting on the phone for a while, that I have not been keeping up with everything that is happening in our lives. Sometimes I just don't know how to put it all into words. is my attempt.You remember about Travis' school don't you? Well, it has grown to 45 students and four teachers now! We were helping them with materials and ideas, but recently he has also taken over paying all the teachers salaries. That was a huge step of faith for us, since that is quite the commitment. But, how can we do anything else when hardworking teachers were not being paid for their work? The school is doing really well. The leader of the school has built two teachers houses, a small classroom, and an outhouse. Right now they are waiting for us to provide gas for the chainsaw so that they can build the church. (All the lumber is made by chainsaw...cut down the hardwood tree, saw it into boards... talk about a lot of work!!) Travis just drew up the plans for the dorm, which will house 50 students. We have plans in place to start industries so that the school can someday become self sufficient. Their greatest need right now is for a bible worker.When we took over the teachers salaries for Travis' school project, I felt like we were pretty stretched, but not above God's ability to provide. But, my faith was tested further by another school in need. This one is only 30 minutes from us, and the principal was trying to operate the school with no support from anyone. The teachers were not getting paid, the food was inadequate, their clothing is can we say no when the needs are so great? We can't, and I know that you would not either! So, Roy has taken on this school and will be driving back and forth to help them.My great news this week is that plane tickets have already been purchased for Jason to come and join us after one years absence. We have missed him tremendously! He will be homeschooling my girls, and helping me since I am no longer supposed to lift or bend over. (Doctor's orders) He has been working hard while in America and has helped us out a lot, but we are so excited to get him back. Our little house will be bursting at the seams, but there will be more happy laughter too. Who knows...maybe I will find more time to write again also.Roy and his crew of enthusiastic children have nearly finished the hand excavation for the girls dorm. They have worked tirelessly through many hot, humid days. Chris, Roy's main helper, is getting over his serious leg infection and dengue fever and is back at work out there too. When I look at what they are doing, I can't help but think of that quote where Ellen White says that there should be a hundred workers where now there is one. Pray that the Lord of harvest would send forth laborers.