
One of Jon's friends posted the picture below on his Facebook account.  I just had to share it.  It's funny.  And it made me think.
It brought to my mind that sometimes our perspective changes when we think of things the other way around.
I've been thinking a lot about that lately - how languages are so different - some you say the sentence totally in reverse, some phrases are reversed, and some have similar structure, but the words are still totally different.
I think that's true of cultural differences too.
And spiritual ones.  For some of us, God has to take us through one type of trial or character-building exercise now.  But for someone else, He may have taken them through that one 5 years ago, or they might not need that one.  Each of us is so different, but God knows how to speak the language of our hearts.  With Him, there are NO translation bloopers.  He knows exactly what we need right now.  And He continues to work with us, to take us deeper into an understanding of Him and seeking of Him.
I believe that's why He told us we are to abide in the Vine.  And that's why He is the Living Water.  And the Bread of Life.
Because, without His leading and guidance every moment in everything, without total surrender to HIM, we tend to "go back toward" our "behind" (in circles!?) looking for what we think we need.  He, alone, is the Straight and Narrow Way.
Just some thoughts . . .
God bless,
In case you cannot see the picture, it is a picture of a sign pointing towards the restroom. And, it says in English, " For Restrooms, Go back toward your behind"



The Baby