Since I Wrote Last...
I can't believe that it has already been 9 days since I wrote last. Although, I should not be surprised since those 9 days were a bit crazy.School is in full swing now, and the teachers are teaching, but it is still a full time job to keep things going. The enrollment has been going up every day, until today the teacher in charge of enrollment said that she would not accept any more students, since they are out of desks. They even took the teachers desks so that the students could have them, so now the teachers have nothing. Unfortunately, the budget does not have anything set aside for such emergencies.Home has changed dramatically also. Numpoong is now living in a Christian dorm about 30 minutes from here, and Thunduh is working down at Sunshine Orchard, taking care of the babies there. We miss them both a lot. I had sent the three new students down to the Sunshine Orchard also, but Sehdoe and Tooguhbahsow came back, and enrolled in our the first grade. I thought that they would be embarrassed at having to go back into first grade, but they seem to really like the little kids, and are enjoying themselves a lot! So, four of my kids are in first grade, but they range in age from 9 - 19! (Since our teachers teach in Thai, they have to start in first grade in order to learn to speak Thai)Hannah, Destiny and I are the only ones home now during the day. It was quiet at first, but now Hannah really likes her time alone with just us. She is learning to wash dishes, and fold laundry...of which she is terribly proud. Destiny has spent the last week and a half being dreadfully sick. I spent two days trying to find answers at the local hospitals. She is doing much better now, for which I am really thankful. I have also had to become the chief cook and bottle washer, which is a challenge when the "kitchen porch" does not have any railings, so I have to keep a close eye on the girls while trying not to burn the food. The children were doing all the cooking before, so cooking Asian is a new experience for me. Thankfully, I have learned rather rapidly how to get all the bugs out of the rice!After school each day, I have been teaching 5 little village kids English. They come flocking in just as soon as they can, and then they spend time helping my girls do their chores so that we all have time to sit down and study. I already have requests from 4 more people to join my class.Travis was asked to teach violin to the school students. He started today, but before leaving the house he quite seriously asked me how in the world do you teach violin to students who have no violins? He ended up teaching them the names of the strings, how to hold a bow using a piece of bamboo as the "bow". Hopefully, we can find money for violins before he runs out of ideas. He has 20 students in his violin class.So, that is a rundown of what is happening here right now. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.