The Conflict
When God told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel, he did not promise that it would be easy. When we put ourselves into Satan's territory, and attempt to live our lives for God alone, there is going to be a conflict.For me this conflict has become very personal. I can either surrender absolutely everything to Jesus, or I can miss out on eternity. The choice is clear. It is do or die. This may sound extreme, but when you claim to be a missionary...which means that you are living your life for Jesus in front of other suddenly realize that you are not fighting imaginary enemies, but against principalities and powers of darkness. It is not a game that we are playing, it is very real.I can't help but cry out to God for help and strength every single day. I see my own faults and failures so clearly, and they would crush me if it were not for the fact that Jesus holds out his hands to me, personally, offering me all the help that I need. And as I choose to put my life in His hands, he sustains me. I so long to totally reflect his character so that I can be a light to all those around me.The past few weeks, the devil has been hurling things at me almost faster than I can duck. Whether it be falling trees, screaming children, snakes, or the loneliness of being immersed in a different culture, I have to choose moment by moment to let God control me, or I will fall into impatience, fear, anger, frustration, or selfishness. God wants to save me from all of that and more. He has me in the furnace a lot these days, but I am learning that the harder things seem, the more I can see the love of God for me personally. He does not want me to remain in a condition that would keep me from spending eternity with Him.What a God we serve! One who allows us to have hardships in order to perfect our characters and prepare us for heaven. A God that gives sinful, fallen, human beings the opportunity to work hand in hand with Divinity! If we give God all that we have, He gives us everything we ever dreamed of, and more. Every conflict is hard in the moment, but the joy of overcoming is worth much, much more than we could ever imagine. And even now, when I look back six months or a year, I wonder, what was the hardship I went through? I can't remember. All I can see is how God is leading me step by step into a closer walk with Him, while at the same time giving me the opportunity to help others along the way.