Thoughts (by Andrew)
As I stepped across the border into Cambodia I breathed a sigh of relief, I was home again... Although my trip to Thailand to visit my family this last month has been really enjoyable, there is still just something about being able to understand what is going on around you that makes you long for home after you've been away for awhile. After the two hour trip up to Siem Reap I settled back into my house and began to think. . . about my trip. . . about what my whole purpose for being here. . . What am I really doing here? What have I accomplished in the time I've spent in Asia? What is God asking me to do for Him this year? All of these questions rolled through my mind, some of them easy to answer and others a bit more difficult. What am I doing here? Well I am teaching young people about Math and Geography; but most importantly I'm teaching them about God, a God who is interested in them as an individual; which is very different to what Buddhism teaches. What have I accomplished in my time here? Well that one is a bit harder, because when you are in the middle of a task like this, it really is hard to step back and be able to see the whole picture. Some times as missionaries we expect people just to come running up to us and start asking us about what we believe or something, but unfortunately it's not that easy, it's actually very discouraging work when you work for months and at the end you still don't see any fruit ( I am not saying that there are no conversions here, I am just saying it's not as easy as we sometimes expect it to be). The last question that keeps coming back to me time and time again is; What is God asking me to do for Him this year? Again this question was very difficult for me to answer. . . It seems that right now God is asking me just to keep teaching for Him and to strive to be "faithful in that which is least", and to leave the oversight of the garden to the heavenly Gardener.Please join me in praying for all of God's ambassadors around the World who are doing their best for Him. And also please pray about where He would have you serve Him, for "the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;