Variety, The Spice Of Life

Today I have a variety of things to tell you about, so I will start out with this. Just a little bit ago Bilay came to visit me. I can’t remember if I ever put what I wrote about him on my blog or not, but in case I didn’t, or if you have forgotten about him, I will attempt to tell you about him! When Bilay was young, he had polio, and it left his legs useless. He crawls on his hands and knees in order to get around, using knee pads to make it bearable.You might be tempted to think that this would make him feel sorry for himself or bitter. But no, Bilay is one of the most energetic and enthusiastic and spiritual people I have met. His enthusiasm is contagious! He just rode on the back of a motor bike with his friend for 6 hours to get here. That would be really hard on me, but Bilay cannot even reach the foot pegs to steady himself, and he does not complain, he is just as happy as ever.Bilay’s calling is Pastoral work. He is starting a dorm and a church in a village that needed help. I have no idea of how he is able to build, but he built a church already and is getting ready to build another house for his anticipated English teacher. His plan is to have a dorm just like we do, and teach English and Bible to his students in the evenings. The reason he came to see me was to see if I have any spare children who could come and teach. Unfortunately I do not. I have apologized to people here over and over that I did not have any more kids! They look expectantly at Hannah and Meme, but I tell them that they are not quite ready yet! So, if I have any ”kids” out there somewhere who would like to come and teach English, please speak up! You will be needed in 3 months. Male or female, it does not matter. You would be working in a dorm situation, teaching in the evenings, and possibly either helping with evangelism or medical work during the day. Please don’t let me down…the people here think that all I have to do is say the word and their wants will be supplied…so PLEASE don’t ruin my reputation!People have been asking me if my house is still standing, or if we have washed away yet. I am happy to report that the waters have receded, and the water is only flowing under the kitchen again. So, until the next major rain storm, all is well with the house. Well….I mean as good as can be expected with the house…we do have termites and little black bugs that like to eat bamboo, and irritating stuff like that, but it hasn’t fallen down yet, so we are happy! (Travis did fall through the floor the other day, and then he had to replace all the supports for one wall….)Also, I have been asked if I am feeling better. Yes! I am feeling better. I have a ways to go, but I feel much better than I did. I can walk just fine now, and I can even carry Hannah, as long as it is not too far. I found that I was very anemic, so I am taking stuff to remedy that situation.I wanted to report on Ben while I am at it. He called yesterday, which is always really exciting, and told me that their school is very close to being attacked. He can hear the fighting from where he is, and it is really loud. They have plans in place of how to get everyone and everything out safely if they need to. He is always with a guard, and they keep him pretty well hidden from view all the time. He said that it is pretty scary, but when I asked him why he doesn’t just get out of there and come home, he sounds shocked at such an idea, and asks me what kind of a missionary he would be if he left his people when there was trouble? So, I gulp, and tell him that I am praying for him and for all the people affected by the fighting. Please, won’t you pray for him too? For those of you who know her, Emily had to come out for a visa and will not go back in until it is safer. And for all of you who wonder what ever happened to Ben and his web site, He tells me that he writes for his web site all the time and will update it in January! He can no longer send me updates by email since his computer crashed.


A VERY Stressful Sabbath


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