What Roy Is Up To

While we are busily roasting in Asia, Roy and Tremaynne are back in the States traveling. When they got to America, the first thing that they did was to go straight to Canada and spend the rest of the week visiting with Tremaynnes family. Roy was able to give the mission story in their church that first Sabbath. The next week they went to our church in Trout Creek, where Roy was able to give another mission report. The next week, he was off to Oklahoma with Tremaynne to help my brother build an addition on to his house for my parents to live in. He gave another mission report at my brother’s church that Sabbath. This week, he is in Missouri at his parents place, and gave yet another mission story for their church! So, you can see that he is really busy, and doing a lot of mission stories. He is really enjoying the opportunities to share what has become so important to our hearts. We long to have every Christian involved in spreading the gospel in some way. Every missionary in the field needs the love and support that those at home can give. There are days when things are really discouraging, and just knowing that someone cares about what you are enduring for the sake of the gospel can make the difference between pressing onward or giving up. Sometimes it is just the little things that pick us up and make us want to keep working. A smile from a neighbor, an email from a friend… just little things, but they mean so much! I guess what I am trying to say is that Roy and I are still working together closely. He is telling everyone he can about what is happening here, while I am here pressing towards the mark of our high calling.


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