
This past few months, Jason has been teaching church history in bible class using the Great Controversy as his text book. These kids had never even heard of the reformation, so they were really excited about what they were learning. Recently, the students finally started putting things together in their own minds and are understanding what the real issues of life are. Several decided to keep the sabbath holy. Satan has been very active over here and had confused the issue by telling the people that Sunday was the seventh day of the week, so it took a lot of patient explaining, and showing them multiple calendars and much prayer to get them to this point. Praise God the light broke through that dense darkness for some of them.A couple of days ago, Jason shared Ellen Whites vision of the pathway to heaven with the students. They were completely fascinated! Stories are a part of their cultural traditions, so they were prepared to look for the deep meaning behind the words. They were so excited about it that they spent a great deal of time translating it into their own language. When a few of the more careless were tempted to translate a paraphrased edition, the other students protested and said that it was so important that it would not be right to leave anything out. They want others to be able to hear and understand. Then they asked Jason if Sarah had just brought that story home from America, or if he had it this whole time. Jason took them into his room and showed them his stack of worship books, and told them that these books were filled with things that we need to teach them. They looked on in awe, then asked why he had not shared this with them earlier. He explained that there was so much to share that it is hard to know where to start!Later, Jason took the translated vision to a friend of his so that he could check the translation for accuracy. His friend said that he had heard it before, but this was the first time he really understood it, so praise God, our students did a good job of translating, and are eagerly looking forward to doing more.A few days ago, Nahchah asked if she could bring her sister here to have me check her. Her sister had a bad sore right below her ear, and she wanted me to look at it. We gave her permission to bring her sister and I started praying. I am nothing but an EMT, and some of the problems here are so hard to deal with that it is overwhelming to even think of trying. But, as I prayed, God gave me a plan. So, I wrote it all down, then this morning I went up to meet the girl. I started out by telling her all the things she would have to sugar, drink lots of water, sleep, exercise, hot and cold treatments, vitamins, garlic, I gave each thing, I explained what it was for and why it was so important. Several of the students were sitting there listening. This girl has had this sore for over a month, and has been on antibiotics, with no results. She goes to the hospital every day to get it cleaned. (The sore goes from one side of her ear, under the ear, and out the other side...about an inch and a half long) After I finished, a student told me "teacher, we have tried the hospital and it did not work. Now we know that God sent you here to teach us a better way, and we know that you can heal her." I quickly replied, "I cannot heal anyone, but God can. If we pray, and we do what God tells us to do, then he can heal her." They all nodded their agreement. Please pray that God will honor their faith and heal this girl.These are just a few of our recent experiences. God is blessing our school abundantly, and it is such fun to be here and see what He is doing. There is nothing more exciting than letting God use you to bless others. Although we are nothing, God wants to use people as channels of his love.


Something to Consider


Sabbath Praise Service