Sabbath Praise Service
Sabbath Praise ServiceWe just spent another lovely Sabbath with our students. There is such a family atmosphere here now. Everyone spent a quiet Sabbath, studying their bibles or Steps To Christ. They also love to sing along with the Fountain View videos, and watch nature DVDs. Watching the students watch nature videos can be quite entertaining, since they keep up a steady stream of comments about what they are seeing. Their world is definitely expanding!This morning, one of the villagers came and sat on a log outside of Mango Hall while we had our worship time, and just listened in. There are lots of villagers looking for vegetables in the jungle now that the rain has mostly stopped. They all seem to be drawn to our place, and little delegations are often seen listening in to the proceedings. They are too shy to come inside, but they sure listen.I wish that they could have listened in to the students praise service this evening. We give them time each Sabbath to praise God for his blessings. Today just seemed extra Spirit blessed. Our newest student told how thankful he is that he has learned about God, and that God saved him from a very bad life. He told of how he had been using drugs and alcohol. He was walking with some of his friends, and they got angry with him. That night, they went to his house to kill him, but he had gone to a friend’s house for the night and was not there. He saw clearly that God spared his life, and he is so happy to be where he can learn more about this God that loves him so much.Another student shared how happy it makes him to be able to have morning and evening worship every day, and be at a school where we teach about God and His ways. Many of the other students shared also, and even our Buddhist student praised God for leading in his life.We all have so much that we can praise God for. Sometimes, it is the simple things that really make an impression on me. This past week, I gave our students another phonics test and 8 of them passed it, and most of the others got only one or two wrong. That was a huge accomplishment for them, and I was so proud of their hard work and determination to learn. It is especially exciting when you consider that I usually don’t like to teach, and most of all I detested teaching English! God certainly does not call the qualified, but he does qualify the called. God has changed my heart to where I love teaching, and especially English. That is just a little example of what God can do in our lives.Pray for us and for our students as we continue on our journey to heaven our home.