Feeling Blessed

This morning I am cruising along in my typing on my brand new computer! I never in the world would have dreamed of having such a nice computer, and did not even know that my little computer was anything but ideal. But, now that I have this one, I am feeling extremely blessed!I had no idea of how to buy a computer, but I sent out emails to the techy members of my family, and I received very thorough instructions as to what to get. It all looked like Greek to me, but when I got to the stores, I pulled out my trusty phone, and compared the instructions with the statistics on each computer until I found one that had all the necessary stuff. So, I bought it, and merrily went on my way. The amazing part is that it cost less than the money that my wonderful supporters had sent me to replace my stolen computer, but it was the right amount of money to pay for the computer and the trip to get it! God seems to think of everything.This whole experience of having my computer stolen was pretty hard for me. But, one morning while having my worship, I was drawn to this verse, “ In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18   A long time ago, I had circled that verse, and written an Ellen White quote in the margin of my bible. This is what it said. “This command is an assurance that even the things  which appear to be against us will work for our good. God would not bid us be thankful for that which would do us harm.”  I could not describe this experience in any other way.  Not only was my faith tested, it was strengthened. My thoughts that “nobody cares anymore” were also dispelled when we received the money so quickly to buy a new computer. God knows each one of us intimately, and he knows just what it will take to get each one of us ready to spend an eternity with him. So, lets thank him for the trials, and praise Him for setbacks! He knows what He is doing, and it is always for our best good in the end.


A Happy Ending


The Harvest (by Andrew)