Heading Home

I just finished a horrifying bus ride. I think that the driver must have been drunk, or at least trying to scare everyone to death. He was weaving all over the road, going super fast, and then slowing down to a snails pace. Ahhh....life in Thailand is never dull. The good news is that I did survive, and nobody got killed.Travis and I were up in Chiang Mai for a couple of days so that I could pick up my new passport. It seems like we have been running around so much lately! I have seen a few interesting things along the way too. While driving in a bus, we passed a new bridge under construction. The workers were carrying little one gallon buckets of cement over to the new bridge and I am just hoping that they were doing some kind of cosmetic work! I do stop to wonder about it every time I go over a bridge in one of those big buses now. Sure glad my guardian angels are always on duty.Roy left earlier this week, and is now safely at home in America. He will be there for a few months so that he can work and also get a new visa. Our little girls don't like that part of our lives. They would far prefer that Mom and Dad stay home all the time, but separation seems to be one of the sad side effects of being a missionary.During the last few weeks, we have been able to visit each one of our schools and check on things. They have all started their new school year already, and are doing really well. While Travis was trying to get to the GWM school, he found that the water in the river was rather high, and he and our motor bike went swimming. I believe that he would not recommend that past time to just anybody, but the good news was that the motor bike did respond to emergency measures and is now running fine. (Travis is fine too)Home is also progressing...our temporary house has been finished for a while now, and Jason is busy building his house, which will double as a teachers house with classrooms under it. (Until we can build the other necessary buildings) We have our first teacher, and are getting ready to accept students. It has taken a lot longer than we wished, but carving a spot out of the jungle is hard work!So many things have happened recently...I don't have time to list them all. I am just certain that now is the time to reach every person in this world, for Jesus is coming very soon. That is why we can be happy even in the face of unsafe bridges, swimming with motorbikes, mold, bugs, soggy clothing, and a million other inconveniences. Through it all, our goals remain the same and God keeps leading us along.


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