Our Greatest Need

This last weekend, Jason went to another village to visit. He does this each weekend…chooses a place that needs spiritual help, and goes and spends time with the people. He often is asked to preach.  But, Jason’s biggest problem is that he is only one person. The needs are huge, and choosing a location to go to is pretty tough sometimes. Travis needs his help down south, but there are also a lot of villages around here that need him to come also.While he was at the village this weekend, one of his old friends was telling him that she had bought property in order to build a new school, but she cannot find anyone to run the school. There is also an existing school that needs a godly teacher. She had hoped that we could find someone… but she said that if we could only find people who will only come for a few months, then we should just forget it. At this point it looks like she will have to sell the property and give up her dream.We have been here over four years now, and do you know what we see as the greatest need? It is dedicated young people! There are more calls than we could possibly fill of people asking for bible workers or teachers, but there seems to be no one who is willing to come. Well…OK, so lots of people come for short periods of time, have a lot of fun, then go back home. That is not what I am talking about. I am talking about people who will come, learn the language, and then spend the rest of their lives, or at least a good portion of their lives, to help the lost learn of Jesus and His love for them. I am searching for people who will come to the front lines of mission work instead of to some well established place where life is relatively easy.  If people could just hear the requests for help like we do, I am certain that they could not say no.  God has already given us the command to go; all that is left is for us to be obedient.This also brings to my mind some really special people I know. There are many people who are too old, or infirm to go anymore. But, I have one friend who is one of the greatest prayer warriors I have ever known. She does more for more projects than anyone else I know. She not only helps them financially, but she prays for all of us every day, and sometimes all night.  I also have to think of my Mom, who although she is so crippled with arthritis that she can hardly get out of bed most days, is working to make clothing for my little girls whenever she is able. EVERYONE is capable of doing something for God.Here is a song that the girls like to sing that I think says it all…Hark! The voice of Jesus calling, “Who will go and work today? Fields are white, the harvest waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away? Loud and long the Master calleth, Rich reward He offers free; Who will answer, gladly saying, “Here am I, O Lord send me”?If you cannot cross the ocean And the heathen lands explore, You can find the heathen nearer, You can help them at your door; If you cannot speak like angels, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say He died for all.If you cannot be the watchman, Standing high on Zion’s wall, pointing out the path to heaven, Offering life and peace to all; With your prayers and with your bounties You can do what Heaven demands, You can be like faithful Aaron, Holding up the prophet’s hands.While the souls of men are dying, And the Master calls for you, Let none hear you idly saying, “There is nothing I can do!” Gladly take the task He gives you, Let His work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when He calleth, “Here am I, O Lord send me.”


Update from Travis


The Vacation English/Bible School