With God All Things Are Possible

Have you ever noticed that when you feel called by God to do something special for Him, things can get rather difficult? Well, that is how this week has been so far…which makes me think that maybe we are on the right track!I came back from Cambodia very enthusiastic about a new project that the Lord seems to be putting on our hearts. After talking to Andrew and Khen, along with Khone, Sarah and a few others, I was strongly impressed that we need to go back to our original idea of having a training school, with the strange twist that now I know that I cannot do it!Here is the basic plan. We would have a short, intensive training for anyone who wants to go as a missionary. We want to equip the local people, and those abroad to get into the work quickly so that we can finish it. Now, before you think we are rather brilliant, it was not my idea, but one that Ellen White told us about a long time ago. In America, there are places that are doing that now, but most of my kids will never be able to set foot in America, and so there needs to be something like that right here where they can gain the benefit for themselves. I really think that the Karen, Thai and Khmer will be the best at reaching their own people groups, they just need help learning the things necessary in order to do that. Also, I have heard about a lot of kids who want to go as Missionaries from America, but they never leave the country. They get into school, and whatever else that comes up, and they just never go. So, if they could come to the mission field, get their training and then get to work right away, wouldn’t that be better? It would be a lot cheaper for them also.The good thing is that all those that I mentioned earlier also have this vision and are really excited about it! Sarah has already put together an outline of the curriculum, and has generated a great deal of enthusiasm. Now we have to pray for where God wants us to do this…here with the wild music and drums in the background, or at a more convenient place? And, we need to find people who share our vision to come and teach…Roy and I cannot do it alone. What we need are teachers in the areas of medical missionary teachers, teachers training, and bible workers training. All that is required is a good understanding of the subject; we are not necessarily looking for degrees. If you can give 6 months of your time to help, that would be great!So in the meantime, I have a sprained ankle, and the flu, plus a great deal of stress over the kids. Instead of being discouraged, I realize that anytime we try to follow God and fight against the darkness that we see around us, Satan gets a little uncomfortable, and starts causing trouble. So, pray for us. If you know of anyone who might be interested in helping us, please talk to them and pray for them since I can guarantee you that they will also be under attack.


A missionary past time... (by Andrew)


COLD (By Andrew)