COLD (By Andrew)

I rolled over, reluctant to rise from my resting place. The frigid air pressed in around me, and I pulled the blanket tighter around me trying to get some warmth. Thoughts of what  I really should be doing  sauntered through my brain, but the cold banished them as fast as they came. Never in Cambodia had I dreamed that it could be this cold, but here in Thailand in the foothills of the mountains it is quite cold in the mornings. Well, after I contemplated the pros and cons of getting up for a while, I finally did get up and shivered my way from the dorm to the house where I took a long hard look at the thermometer… 58 DEGREES! After staring unbelievingly at the thermometer for a minute I decided that it must be right after all. It is best not to trust ones feelings under some circumstances.Many of us after we are Christians for some time, realize that this world is a very cold place. Unfortunately though we have been warned in God’s word that we must not “sleep as do others” many of us are still slumbering and sleeping. The cold of the world around us, instead of arousing us to the task of saving souls most of the time causes us to seek the warmth and safety of Christianized places, which in turn, puts us into a drowsy state which if left unremedied will result in our final ruin. Our commission is not to sit in safety, but to go to a dying world and tell them of a Saviour. It’s not that we have nothing to do, there is plenty to do, but the problem seems to be that most seem to think that the work of saving souls is almost finished and that all we have to do is sit back and wait for Jesus to come. This is not so. There are still MILLIONS who have never heard of a Saviour, never heard of a God who loves them, and who have never seen a Christian.Christ’s commission given to us is still just as binding today as it was two thousand years ago. Christ could have come back long ago if we had but done the work that He gave us to do. Today the choice is still up to us. Do we want to have a part in the work and the reward of our commission, or do we want to miss out on all those years of eternity with God in Heaven? Let us each ask God prayerfully to show us our part to do for Him in this final work. 


With God All Things Are Possible


On The Road Again